Gorilla Chemicals EraserPac Concentrated Pre-Spray
This ultra concentrated carpet pre-spray is ideal for cleaning heavily
soiled traffic lanes and overall carpet preconditioning. EraserPac
delivers cost-effective, high-quality cleaning at concentration rates
unrivaled in the carpet cleaning industry. It starts to work as soon as
it is applied and literally melts away even the most stubborn soiling as
it dissolves, emulsifies, suspends, and deflocculates soil and grease.
It powers through the filthiest grime.
Stain-resistant safe – 9.5 to 10 PH
Dilution: 1:64 or 2oz to a gallon for normal soiling
1:32 or 4oz to a gallon for heavy soiling.
Compare to Prochem UltraPac or Bridgepoint Zone Perfect
RTU/Gal Cost $0.47